Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Here is my refined illustration. It features the three headed cerebus woman. I have yet to add the people awaiting judgement :)


  1. well i have to say it is a worst day waking up with 2 other heads with you, naked...

  2. I love the line work in this, really cool patters in some places. I also dig that you did nudity very boldly, and in a highly non-sexual way. I know it's a little late, but the toes seem really flat compared to the rest of the image, like they need more shading and more bend in the knuckles, to make it really look like she is crouching on them.

  3. i like how you added priced nipples lol looks great!

  4. I didn't know my girlfriend was a nude model.
    This is crazy good, and scares the crap out of me.
