Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The final, colored, big ol' screw you to my job, my boss, and everyone who's ever requested a medium sized latte, not so hot, no foam, with 1/2 shots, and 1% milk.


  1. I like how you brought this together. The facial expressions are nice and everything. I also like the monotone touch. It's almost like they're all drinking blood, or whatever. Anyway this is cool, and comical. Nice job.

  2. This looks great with a background; before I couldn't really tell what the apron was with the blank background, but now that the background shows that it's a coffee shop it all works. I especially like the coffee cup being kicked.

  3. It looks so much better with the background! I couldn't tell where he was before, and adding the people bring it all together really well as well. I like that the coffee is spilling out in the machines.

  4. An already fun picture becomes great now with a more developed setting. Adding the other people into the picture really helps the humor. I like the simple splashes of a single color

  5. I was fond of the floating character but am pretty impressed with all the background crazy around. The two tone coloring works really well.
