It was SO hard to choose just one piece by this artist, because all his work is amazing. But for now, I'd like to talk about the piece above, "Shadowed by Coyotes". I think this piece is so strong compositionally because the main figure is dwarfed by the surrounding coyotes, and she is highlighted by her orange shirt and her placement in the white snow. The girl and her dog are slightly off center, which also help to strengthen the composition. It is important to note the vantage point of this piece, because it could have been done from below, which would've the effect of huge coyotes looming above the girl, and might have instilled a sense of panic, but the artist chose a high vantage point which gives the sense that the viewer is observing the girl calmly, even bravely walking her dog.

I'm really glad i found this artist. He has had a wide range of clients, including many well-known magazines. His work is so powerful, yet delicate. He mixes ban elements with nature, daily life with surrealism and various mythologies. As I mentioned earlier, he makes very good use of different vantage points. Some of this work uses screen-printed elements, and occasionally the colors are offset, yet it does not detract from the art; in fact, I think it enhances it.

I really like the image of the man carrying the unconscious girl with the "millions" arms behind him. His work seems to be very symbolic and dramatic. I also love the limited color palettes throughout the images.
ReplyDeleteThe image with the girl walking her dog is really striking. The coyotes appear to act like trees...really scary- about to kill you- trees.
ReplyDeleteThe first image grabbed my attention immediately. Something about the point of view or the perspective feels just slightly... off. Which makes the entire image feel eerie.
ReplyDeleteI really like the first image. The use of a muted color pallet adds to the intensity already felt by the menacing coyotes. I like how she's walking through them without a care in the world. That adds a lot of drama to the piece too.