Friday, May 4, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
There are sparks, in life you'll get tons of those. Then there are flames. Then, every so often, there's a supernova and those fry your world and flip everything on its head.
This is(was) my life, my type of Love Is...
Monday, April 30, 2012
Final 2nd rough
Friday, April 27, 2012
Worst Day comp
But given the chance. I'd do it all over, not exactly the same, but close to it and with more flair.
Final project Best Day Ever
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Worst Experience Ever.
Final Project- Best Day Ever (concept sketch)
As for the drawing I plan on the setting of Wrigely becoming more prominent. I want it to look like an actual world series official photograph. The composition need work and the fans in the background that are represented currently by squiggly lines will be tightened up because I think their expression will be just as important - if not more so- for the piece. I am not sure what medium, probably colored pencils our watercolors but we'll see what happens and where the drawing goes.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Week 10 Final Sketch
Friday, March 30, 2012
Week 9- Updated sketches
Hey guys,
Thanks to your suggestions I went these two ways with my concept. The top one is of the rooster looking up at the sky while all the other chickens are pecking at their food.
The other way I went is of a young chicken looking up at the birds flying in the sky copying them only to learn that is a grounded bird.
In both images I exaggerated the size of their feet so it subtly makes them appear more weighted to the ground. I animated the faces slightly by cartooning the eyes, more so in the young chick.
Which one do you guys like better?
I plan on doing full color and I think I would like to do a realistic background. The medium will probably be water color base layered with color pencils and then finishing details in acrylic. Any suggestions or thoughts would be great to hear!
Friday, March 23, 2012
The remix
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Updated Sketch
For medium I am still not sure what I want to work with. However, I have in mind of working with color pencils because it can bring a lot of texture and I don't really work with color pencils so it might be interesting to try it out with this project.
week 8 Unrequited puppy love

I always considered myself more of a dog person than a cat person. I actually feel more compassionate to a dog than to human being. I think this is because you can always count on a dog to give you unconditional love. Even if you have a bad day, you can always count on your dog to make you feel like you're worth something. I actually got this idea for a drawing at the dog beach. There I witnessed a man on a his cell phone completely ignoring this adorable puppy at his feet. The small dog looked up at the man towering over it with this happy expression on its face, while the man on the phone seemed too preoccupied to even care about the dog. I found this scene pretty heart breaking and decided to illustrate it. I decided to give my illustration a faux-naive feel to it to give it a feeling of innocence. I also plan on using charcoal and crayon on my final piece.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Unrequited love
Here is my interpretation of unrequited love. This work was inspired by a hardship I was going through. The message is pretty simple. I started the situation with great confidence and was optimistic, but I was definitely burned and heartbroken in the end.
Week 8- Project 2
A legal controversy
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Unrequited love
My idea for the drawing.
week 7 Controversy

Friday, March 9, 2012
If you haven't guessed, or are unfamiliar with the piece this is modeled off of German Artist
Albrecht Dürer piece titled Adam And Eve. Durer was a firm believer of the Italian art theories; one of which followed the idea that the perfect human form corresponded to a system of proportion and measurements.
Not that i disagree, but i took a different approach to my piece, one that would better express the complex, irrational notion of young love. The emaciation and elongation of the bodies also helps to express the emotional turmoil of the subjects. Just like when Eve initially stole that forbidden, they two lost their innocence.
Saddam Shark
Controversial Body works
This work is done by German anotomist Gunther von Hagen. Displayed at "Body Worlds show" its intention is to familiarize the viewer with the inner-beauty of the human body.
Von Hagens style started 25 years ago when using polymer chemistry, pioneered a preservation technique that replaces water in cells with plastic material. By 1990, he had plastinated his first whole body - a process that requires 1,500 hours' work and costs up to £25,000. The result is an odourless, dry, realistic-looking corpse that endures. Gunther asserts,"There are obviously aesthetic elements to what I am doing, but I am chiefly a scientist who wants to enlighten people by means of aesthetic shock rather than cruelty shock."
His many critics compare him to Dr. Frankenstein claimming his work is cruel, insensitive, and self serviing.
Not really seeing for myself a problem with Gunther's work, I admire his presentation. Carefully arranging internal organs, ribcages and the such takes talent in addition to a strong stomach. Why is human anatomy or organs shocking and disgusting in the first place?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Week 7- Conflict
This is an editorial cartoon by artist Gary Markstein. Directly below the image is a link to one of his websites that has a collection of several of his cartoons including a lot of his recent work. I looked at some of his other stuff and he has some other really funny ones that relate to this one, depicting Rush Limbaugh. This kind of perfectly depicts the one of the many contemporary conflicts occurring in women's rights. The conflict of natural right versus religion, should the law of man control the rights of an individual. His is consitutional if religion is forcing its prohibition? I liked this cartoon because it elegantly uses iconic symbols and manipulates them to effectively get the point across.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Life and Death- A Juxtaposition
In this image we see one lonely man walking through a "hall" of large statues of hooded skull figures. The corridor seems to go on endlessly. There are flocks of birds flying away from what are presumably their nests in the crevices of the statues. It follows a monotonous color scheme using foggy, putrid yellows contrasted with a small amount of green in the shadows.
Although not obviously about life and death; in this work they are not polarized. However, the juxtaposition of the two is very apparent. The foggy hallway is completely barren of other people. The lone figure appears to be either lost or exploring a relic of ancient peoples. Skulls peak out through the hoods of the giant statues, a clear indicator of death. They almost look down at the man, awaiting his collapse. The juxtaposition is specifically that of the lone man walking with a torch, and the statues as a reminder of a civilization past. A lone man alive in a dead world.
Zdzislaw Beksinski: unnamed piece done in oil
link to his online gallery here: click on "Original Works"Life & Death: Ontology
Life and Death
Thursday, March 1, 2012

M.C. Escher The Eye 1945
This piece has always interested me, this is where my fascination with eyes began. But it's much more than that. I cant say for certain, no one can really, unless they knew the artist personally and his intentions when creating the piece. But to me, the eye represents life, more than that still. the eye is round, one could argue that it is the circle of life. All is one. One is all.
And what of the faintly outlined skull creeping in the pupil. Escher was considered an illusion artist, the skull sits comfortably behind the eyes, always out of view. The skull in Western society also repents death, mortality. Maybe Escher is teasing us with the one who watches over all of us, the fate of each of us, death. There is no great expanse of life for us all, just the small time we have, constantly being watched by death just drawing nearer to our destinies.
Week 6- Life and Death
Friday, February 24, 2012
The symbol of the Eye of Horus
Picture here is an image of The Egyptian symbol of the Eye of Horus. It represents good health, political power, and safety. It was worn as an amulet by those in power (Pharohs and royalty). Interestingly it was used as a measuring device because of its proportion, which are also symbolic in nature. The eye can be split into 6 distinct pieces, pictured here:
These pieces represent the 6 senses (one more than we are accustomed with.
1. Touch 2. Taste 3. Sound 4. Sight 5. Smell 6. Thought
In egyptian culture it also represented the sun while the Eye of Ra represnted the Moon.
The Symbolic Kiss
This image depicts US President Obama and his rival Venezuela's President Chavez. The word "unhate" at the top of this image along with gentlemen's head connected by the lips, clearly suggest acting out the metaphor "kiss and make up!" (thats what I get) But, according to US customs, two men kissing is definately associated with homosexuality. To some, homosexuality is considered a weakness within men, especially ones in position of power. So could this be an attack on either President's prowess, or manhood in general? HMMMMM!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sheltered Weaklings

The Garden of Earthly Delights is a painting by Hieronymus Bosch from around 1505. To me, Bosch seemed to be really ahead of his time because this triptych contains some of the most surreal symbolism in High Renaissance art. The piece shows three panels, each representing a state of one’s immortal soul. The first panel on the left depicts the beginning of life. Some believe that the left panel represents the Garden of Eden, and the original sin that came with it. You can see the animals in the background fighting, almost as if it is foreshadowing the doom to come. The middle panel shows a wide array of nude people indulging in several sinful acts. This panel also has a huge cluster of symbolism. Whether the figures are practicing sexual performances or partaking in other sinful acts, it is clear that this panel is trying to portray the fall of man to evil wickedness. The last panel in the triptych is Bosch’s interpretation of hell. Some art historians believe that Bosch hid the 7 deadly sins within this panel in a symbolic manner. In this section, animals are depicted torturing and mutilating humans, which might represent the natural evil that is in our world. One could honestly go on all day reading into the symbolism in this painting. It’s almost like a Where’s Waldo in the sense that every time you look at it, you notice something new.
Here we have a poster that features a man with rope through his eyes, neck, and ears. During the time this poster was made Germany was in the grip of both a massive Depression and the uprising of the Nazis Party. This poster symbolized the politics strengthening control over media, especially relating to politics.
If you want to know about this click the link or watch the film Freedom On The Fence, which is where i got this one from. But it's worth the time i ganrauntee it.