Artist Len Peralta created a year long challenge for himself to draw 52 "influencial geeks" coming from art, movies, TV, computing, science (1 geek a week). He would have to first interview the "geek," then based on from that interview and common knowledge, he would draw a caricature of the "geek." To take it one step further than just having a drawing of the person, Peralta decided to create them as trading cards (all with their own special stats).
What I like about this series is how you can tell who each person is without even looking at the name. They are very well drawn, and some even have their own style. One card that stood out to me was Edgar Wright's. Since he directed the movie, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Peralta decided to draw in Bryan Lee O'Malley's style making Edgar Wright look as if he was in the Scott Pilgrim universe.
Link to all 52 Geeks
I love when artists do stuff to challenge themselves. They always seem to make super amazing stuff.