My Image this week comes from my sketchbook, the tag from my Hello Kitty bookbag. I've never been much into girly things or the color pink, but I have a big soft spot for Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty has been around since 1975 and is used on a wide range of home products, books, clothes, etc. What I do like about Hello Kitty is the simple shapes used to create the cat and the black bold lines that connect the shapes. Overall it's simple and cute! Below are two examples of some Hello Kitty Interpretations...

The first image is by the dev artist Daskull. I like that even though she has a mask on, you know it's Hello kitty. The image also reminds me of a graffiti version of her that would be a cute "tag" itself or image for female graffiti artists. I think the image is simple but very effective. the second image is a painting homage to Hello Kitty by the artist CamillaDerrico. I loved how she used many of the Sanrio characters to incoporate as decorations in the girl's hair. I also like the use of pink, even though there is a lot of it, it's not overwhelming and still visually appealing to my eye. I also really like the detailing in the hair, outfit, and ribbon. Upon a closer look I noticed that in the ribbon and headband there are Hello Kitty face designs. I liked the flow of the hair as well. I really felt you could see the influence of the characters within the girl and drawing style as well.
I like the fact that you posted Hello Kitty. Personally I'm not a "fanatic" of this feline but I can say that I do have one thing that's Hello Kitty and that is my Debit card....the design on it is a Hello Kitty head and it's light pink and white. I got it before my 21st birthday, try giving that to the bartender and telling him you're 21.